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Corporate Podcasts

In the crowded health and fitness space, cutting through the noise and fostering real connections is crucial.


A private podcast empowers you to control the narrative, build trust, and cultivate a thriving community around your unique health and fitness vision.

Global Reach

 As of 2024, there are 504.9 million worldwide podcast listeners. That equates to 23.5% of all internet users.

Increasing Popularity

In the U.S alone, over 82 million people listened to podcasts in 2021, and this number is projected to rise to over 100 million listeners by 2024

Monetization Potential

The podcasting industry is projected to be worth $94.88 billion by 2028.

Our Clients

We’ve had the privilege of working with leading health and fitness brands, helping them leverage the power of podcasting to connect with their audience on a deeper level.

Ready to Amplify Your Brand with a Private Podcast?

Foster Employee Loyalty and Engagement

A private podcast aimed at your team can be your secret weapon. Imagine fostering employee loyalty and engagement by sharing inspiring stories, industry insights, and practical wellness tips in an intimate, on-demand format. This internal communication tool can help build a strong company culture and keep your team informed and inspired.


Provide Value-Add for Clients

Alternatively, a private podcast can be used as a value-add for your clients. Envision captivating your clients with exclusive content, expert interviews, and success stories. This unique approach can deepen their connection to your brand, solidify their commitment, and provide them with valuable insights they can’t get anywhere else.


Contact us today to get started on your podcasting journey! Whether you’re looking to boost employee engagement or provide extra value for your clients, we’re here to help you amplify your message through the power of podcasting.

Fast Track Launch Package

60-Minute Strategy and Production Calls

Audio Setup Consultation and Optimized Testing

Program and Software Setup

Music Selection: Royalty-Free Choices

Podcast Brand Design and Cover Art

Topic Ideation Support

Full Suite Systems Setup and Templates Package

Podcast Analytics Master Spreadsheet

Project Management Tool Setup

Episode Zero Teaser

Search-Friendly Podcast Summary

Listing on Top Podcast Platforms

Debut Episode: Polished & Scheduled

Let's get started! Message us directly to discuss your podcast needs.

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Launch Your Podcast

Feeling overwelmed?

So we're making it easier for you! In this free guide, you'll get a crystal-clear understanding on how to setup your equipment and a one-stop Amazon shopping list for audio gear.

Sometimes the hardest part is knowing where to start.

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Building Stories in Washington, USA.

Stories are powerful. Through sound, word and art, we find connection to each other and the land we stand on. It is with that knowledge that Brave Moon recognises the privilege of living and working on native land. We acknowledge and pay our respect to the traditional custodians and their Country, past, present and emerging.

© 2024 by Brave Moon.

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